Hola dear visitor!Just wanna welcome you to my blog. I’d like to introduce myself.My name’s Jasmine Rose. Something interesting (depends on who’s reading..lol)I’m a writer, and the only way I could fully express myself is through a pen and a paper. I could let all the thoughts, emotions and the huge amount of imagination out of my heart and mind, and I’m lucky to have people read my stories.
I’m the author of “A Unique Kind of Love” and “Mars”, which are my biggest accomplishments.
I’m not a very athletic person, the only running that ever happens is when thoughts are running in my head. Ed Sheeran, Demi Lovato, Christina Perri and One Direction are artists that have helped me write everything I have written so far.
Books are my best friends. The Host, The Hunger Games Series, Harry Potter, Delirium, The Fault in Our Stars, Percy Jackson, and more than I could name. I’m the kind of person who could stay in a room for a couple of days straight if you just give me books.
Well, that’s most of it. Shoot me an email anytime for questions or violent reactions (ha ha) or if you just want to give me some love (which includes cookies and puppies).
Here is my e-add: jasmine_rose@awesomeauthors.org