Thank you SO MUCH for getting my book on the Launch and making Amazon our herald.
I love you guys SO MUCH.
Hugs and Puppies and Banana Splits and 2.2 TONs OF LOVE!!!
(That is 2 Metric Tons. More Math.)
So… This is how you get to be listed in the book update. My Publisher Promised to update the book this week or next.
You will be forever immortalized in print!!! Just wait till you see this dedication and your name in the book.
Hee Hee.
Just put the name you want listed in the book below. It does not have to be the name that you did the Amazon Review under. I understand some of you are Reviewing with Parents accounts or friends accounts or neighbors accounts or innocent victims accounts… Hee hee
Put your email address below.
My publisher wants to be able to check in with you incase there are any problems of any kind.
Put a copy of your Amazon Review below. This is how my publisher can know that you really did get the book on the Launch. Don’t worry if you need a week to read it and write the review that is fine. You can leave an honest review. If even if you hated it. I will cry a little but you can still have your name in the book. BUT… Why would you want your name in a book you hate? Hhmm…
You guys are too awesome to make me cry.
I think they are leaving this form up and collecting the names for a week.